Last updated: August 30, 2024

Introduction Hicat

Welcome to Hicat Platform (Hereinafter referred to as “Hicat “). Hicat app is provided and controlled by Guangzhou Molaiyi Network Technology Co., Ltd.. We respect and protect the personal information and privacy of all Hicat users in accordance with the applicable privacy laws worldwide.

To provide you with more accurate and personalized services, as well as a more secure Internet environment, we have defined our principles for the collection, use, and provision of your personal information in accordance with international and relevant local laws, regulations, and technical specifications, and further elaborated on your rights related to your personal information.

This policy is closely related to your use of our products or services. When you download, install, start, browse, register, log in, or use our products or services (referred to collectively as “using our products and services”), we will process and protect your personal information in accordance with this policy. We have made an effort to explain the technical terms covered by this policy in a clear and concise manner so that you can understand them. We have used bold font to distinguish terms in this policy that are (possibly) significantly related to your rights and interests. Please read them carefully.

In particular, we would like to draw the attention of underage users (especially children under the age of 13) and their guardians. We have specified a special section on the protection of underage users (in bold). Please read it carefully.

Please carefully read and fully understand this policy before using/continuing to use our products and services, and make appropriate choices in accordance with the guidelines set out in this policy when necessary. If you do not agree with the content of this policy, it may cause our products or services to fail to function properly, or fail to achieve the intended effect of our services. You should immediately stop accessing/using our products and services. By using or continuing to use the products and services provided by us, you fully understand and agree to the entire content of User Privacy Policy (including the updated version).

About Us

This policy sets out the basis for our handling of any personal data collected from you or provided to us by you. If you have any other questions about how we use your personal data, please contact us.

Data controller : Guangzhou Molaiyi Network Technology Co., Ltd. Contact information for the data controller is

DPO : Xiaoming Zhu, Contact Email : Users can contact DPO to to help address any privacy concerns or questions.

Office Address: Room 803, Room 71, No. 666, Huangpu Avenue, Tianhe District, Guangzhou

Table of Contents

To improve the readability and user-friendly interaction of the privacy policy, we present it through the table of contents.

· 1. How do we collect and use your personal information

· 2. How do we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

· 3. How do we store and protect your personal information

· 4. How do you manage your personal information

· 5. How do you delete your account

· 6. Special instructions for the use of third-party products and/or services

· 7. How do we use cookies and other similar technologies

· 8. Special terms for jurisdictions

· 9. Protection of underage users

· 10. How do we update our privacy policy

· 11. How to contact us

· 12. Miscellaneous

1. How do we collect and use your personal information 

We will adhere to the principles of lawful, reasonable, and necessary collection and use of the personal information that you voluntarily provide or that is generated during the use of our products and/or services, for the purposes as stated in this policy. If we intend to use your personal information for purposes not specified in this policy or based on specific purposes for which we have collected the information, we will notify you in a gentle manner and seek your consent before proceeding. Additionally, we will control the frequency of accessing your information within a reasonable range to ensure your privacy is properly safeguarded. Thank you for your trust and support, let’s work together to create a better internet world!

Registration and login

1.1 When you use your mobile phone number to register and log in, we will collect your [mobile phone number and mobile phone operator information] so as to provide you with login service.

1.2 When you register our platform with a third-party account (such as Google, facebook, Apple ID), you need to authorize us to read the public information (nickname, avatar , token ) you registered with the third-party account. The third-party platform’s handling of your personal information will be governed by the third-party’s privacy policy.

1.3 You can also choose to fill in or change your information according to your own needs, but if you do not provide such information, it will not affect your use of the product and related services (except for the user name, which is required for registration).

1.4 If you have successfully registered your account, we will display your personal information in the app.

When you use platform services

2.1 We will automatically collect data from you, i.e. your Open ID, IP address, Open device information code, Open device information series ID, Android ID, registration time, login time and records about your use of the services, such as the date and timestamp of the operation. We also collect and store your data below:

 2.1.1 The data you voluntarily provide to us when setting your nickname, profile picture, age, gender and country in the app;

 2.1.2 Every time you interact with us, for example, when you chat with us using the in-app feedback or customer service function;

 2.1.3 If you use our chat services, we will process and transmit such data through end-to-end encryption so that your messages can be safely passed on to other users; Unless the user receiving your message or you are not online, we will not store the information generated when you use our chat services. After the offline message is received or the message is not received for more than 90 days, we will delete the temporary message;

 2.1.4 If you make any transaction through Google Play or iOS App Store and other third parties, we will collect information to facilitate your transaction and maintain transaction records (including Open ID and user information fees, currency, purchased products, purchase history, IP address, transaction details as well as device details, such as operating system version, mobile phone model or device type, and Internet connection);

 2.1.5 If you contact our support team to deal with the problem such as program errors, we will collect some information, including name, OpenID, device ID, app version, battery power, WiFi intensity, available space in device, network type, operating system version, browser type, platform, operator, country/area code, coupon details, e-mail address and any information you provide in the message. You can also choose to provide photos to illustrate any errors;

2.1.6 If you need to share the content in the app with other apps, we will read the content you want to share and make a request in the form of a broadcast, and a list of apps that can receive the content will pop up for you to choose from.

2.2 To ensure the safe operation of the software and services, we will collect your device model, device name, Android ID, language settings, operating system version, app version, login IP address, network access method, network quality data, mobile network information (including operator name), and product version number. To protect your account from malicious use by other users, please understand that we will dynamically detect whether there is abnormal login activity on your account. Each time you switch or restart the app, we may read your device ID information again, and we will control the frequency of information retrieval within a reasonable range.

Furthermore, we are committed to strictly adhering to relevant privacy protection laws and regulations to ensure the security of your personal information. We will implement various measures, including encryption technology and access permission controls, to safeguard your information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Your trust is our driving force, and we will do our utmost to provide you with secure and reliable services. Thank you for your understanding and support.

2.3 When you use platform services, our security and anti-cheating security functions will (i) analyze user device status to identify security risks and cheating; (ii) detect whether your username, bio, profile photo, or chat messages contains malicious information.

2.4 Customer service and after-sales service functions. When you contact our customer service staff or apply for after-sales service of our products and/or services, for the security of your account and system, we may require you to provide relevant personal information to match the personal information you previously provided, so as to verify your user identity. After successful verification, we may collect the information when you chat with us (account information, order information, and picture/video/text information and relevant information provided by you to prove relevant facts), your contact information, and records when you chat with us, including the online chat records and mobile phone recording, so as to solve the problem for you as soon as possible and improve our products and/or services. At the same time, we may contact you by phone, text message, system message and other relevant means to solve your problems arising in the process of using our products and services.

2.6 To ensure that you can maintain instant messaging with the background server when using the services and that you can receive personalized content push in a timely manner, we will use a third-party push messaging service to generate an ID for you to identify the uniqueness of your device.

2.7 Summary of device permission invocation

During the process of providing services to you , we may invoke some of your device permissions. You can choose to close some or all permissions in the device’s settings. The display mode and closing mode of permissions may be different in different devices. For details about how to invoke device permissions, please refer to the Device Permission Invocation List.

Device permission Service function Description of functional scenarios Whether it can be closed
Network access Normal features Read and update App content Yes. App content cannot be read and updated in real time after it is closed, and the app cannot be used normally
Geographic location Network environment detection & Adding location in posts Users contact customer service staff to test the network environment & Add location in a post Yes. It will only affect the corresponding function after it is closed, and will not affect other app functions
Media file storage Stable operation of APP Log information recording and information caching Yes. It will only affect the corresponding function after it is closed, and will not affect other app functions
Microphone Normal features Voice messages/voice call Yes. It will only affect the corresponding function after it is closed, and will not affect other app functions
Push Send notifications Push notifications Yes. It will only affect the corresponding function after it is closed, and will not affect other app functions
Calendar Normal features Add events to calendar Yes. It will only affect the corresponding function after it is closed, and will not affect other app functions
Bluetooth Normal features Use bluetooth earphones Yes. It will only affect the corresponding function after it is closed, and will not affect other app functions
Read the in-app image Normal features As an IM picture message or an avatar/album image to be set Yes. After it is turned off, it will only affect the corresponding function, and will not affect other app functions
Read in-app music files Normal features Background music in the voice room is streamed Yes. After it is turned off, it will only affect the corresponding function, and will not affect other app functions

2.8 To fulfill our legal obligations and, where necessary, to protect the public interest or protect the vital interests of users and others, we may use your data to help us prevent and respond to abuse, fraud, illegal activities and other potentially harmful content.

Exceptions to authorized consent

In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, we may collect and use some necessary personal information without your authorized consent under the following circumstances:

(1) Information related to our performance of obligations under laws and regulations;

(2) Information directly related to national security and national defense security;

(3) Information directly related to public security, public health and major public interests;

(4) Information directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment and related matters;

(5) Information that are hard to get your consent for the purpose of protecting your or other life, property and relevant major legal rights and interests;

(6) Your personal information that are disclosed by you to the public;

(7) Your personal information collected from legally and publicly disclosed information: from lawful news reports, government information disclosure and related channels;

(8) Information necessary under the online agreement or contract you have signed with the platform;

(9) Information necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of our products and/or services: such information are used to detect and dispose of faults in the products or services and to deal with related problems;

(10) Other circumstances as provided for by laws and regulations.

2. How do we data sharing, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

How users can opt-out of allowing the sharing or sale of their personal data?

Users can contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) to opt-out of allowing the sharing or sale of their personal data.

Data Sharing:

Users have the right to know whether their personal data is shared, as defined under California law. We are committed to transparency and will clearly disclose to users if their data is shared with any third parties.

Definition of “Share” under California Law In accordance with California law, the term “share” has a specific legal definition. This includes the sharing, selling, renting, or disclosing of personal information to third parties for commercial purposes. Users have the right to be informed about any such sharing of their data.

We will not share your personal information with any other company, organization or individual unless one or more of the following circumstances exist:

(1) We have obtained your consent in advance;

(2) It is proposed by yourself;

(3) Necessary sharing with business partners:

You understand and are informed that, in order to provide you with more complete and high-quality products and services, we will authorize our business partners to provide you with some services. In such cases, we may share some of your personal information with our partners to enhance customer service and user experience. Please note that we will only share your personal information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific, and explicit purposes, and only when it is necessary to provide our services.

To ensure the security of your personal information, we will conduct security assessments and processing on the output form, flow, and use of information data. Additionally, we will exercise strict supervision and management over our partners. If we find that they are handling your personal information in violation of regulations, we will immediately terminate our cooperation and pursue legal action against them.

We are committed to safeguarding the security of your personal information and will take all reasonable measures to prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Your trust is of utmost importance to us, and we will strive to ensure the proper protection of your privacy. Thank you for your support and understanding.

Currently, our partners include the following types:

Cloud service providers: To provide services for global users, we choose cloud service providers with high-quality privacy protection and data security protection capabilities, such as Amazon.

Content audit service provider: To ensure that the content posted by users on the Internet information platform is safe and complies with the regulatory requirements of the local government, we may share the content information posted by you on the platform with the third-party content audit service providers entrusted by us;

Other business partners: Those who entrust us with promotion and advertising. You grant us the right to share the indirect user profiles formed by us using your relevant information collection with partners who entrust us to carry out promotion and advertising, so as to help them make advertising or decision-making suggestions, improve the effective touch rate of advertising, and further understand user needs. We promise that we will not share any personal information that can identify you without your consent.

Cooperative third-party SDK providers: When you use the functions provided by a third party in our Platform, we may access the Software Development Kit (SDK) provided by a third party to realize the relevant functions. We will restrict the SDK service providers through cooperation agreement. However, third-party SDK providers may collect your personal information. The aforementioned service providers’ collection and processing of information and other activities are subject to their own privacy terms, and do not apply to this policy. To ensure the maximum security of your information, we recommend that you review the privacy policy of any third-party SDK service before using it. To protect your legitimate rights and interests, if you find that there is a risk in this SDK or other similar apps, we suggest that you immediately stop the relevant operations and contact us in time.

Message push service: To provide you with message push, third-party push service providers may obtain your push SDK version number, necessary device information, mobile phone status information, geographic location information and network related information so as to push information you may be more interested in;

Please refer to Information Collection and Use of Third-Party SDKs for details.

(4) When you choose to participate in activities organized by us or our affiliates or third parties on the platform, you may be required to provide your name, gender, mailing address, contact information and bank account information. These are personal sensitive information. If you refuse to provide them, it may affect your participation in related activities, but it will not affect your use of other functions. We will only share these information with our affiliates or third parties with your consent, so as to ensure that you receive consistent services in experience during the activities.

(5) Necessary sharing with our affiliates: We may share your personal information with our affiliates. We will only share your necessary personal information, and such sharing is subject to the purposes stated in this policy. If our affiliates want to change the purpose of processing your personal information, we will seek your authorization and consent again;

(6) You may share your personal information or other information with third parties (including non-specific objects) based on the Out Platform. However, We shall not be liable for the disclosure, use and other related situations of information caused by your sharing behavior.


Transfer is the transfer of control over your personal information to another company, organization or person. We will not transfer your personal information to any other company, organization or person unless we obtain your explicit consent. However, the following circumstances are excluded:

(1) We have obtained your consent in advance;

(2) It is proposed by yourself;

(3) If there is a merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation of our company, it may involve the transfer of your personal information. In this case, we will inform you of the relevant situation and require the new company, organization and person holding your personal information to continue to be subject to this policy. Otherwise we will require it to obtain your explicit consent again.

(4) Other circumstances as provided for by laws and regulations.

Public disclosure:

Public disclosure is the act of releasing information to society or to a non-specific group of people. In principle, we will not voluntarily disclose your personal information to the public. However, the following circumstances are excluded:

(1) We will show necessary information (appropriate desensitization) when we announce the prize winner and penalty notice;

(2) We have obtained your explicit consent.

Exceptions to authorized consent of sharing, transferring and public disclosure of personal information

In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, we may share, transfer or publicly disclose your personal information without your prior authorized consent under the following circumstances:

(1) Information related to our performance of obligations under laws and regulations, including disclosure of your personal information to competent authorities as required by laws and mandatory requirements of judicial or administrative authorities; In such case, we will require the disclosure requester to present valid legal documents corresponding to its request, and to take security measures in accordance with laws and industry standards for the disclosed information;

(2) Information directly related to national security and national defense security;

(3) Information directly related to public security, public health and major public interests;

(4) Information directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment and related matters;

(5) Information that are hard to get your consent for the purpose of protecting your or other life, property and relevant major legal rights and interests;

(6) Your personal information that are disclosed by you to the public;

(7) Your personal information collected from legally and publicly disclosed information: from lawful news reports, government information disclosure and related channels;

(8) Other circumstances as provided for by laws and regulations.

Please understand that, in accordance with the current legal provisions and supervision requirements, we do not need to separately notify you and obtain your consent to share or transfer the personal information that has been de-identified, and to ensure that the recipient of the data cannot recover and re-identify the subject of personal information.

3. How do we store and protect your personal information


Your personal information will be processed on servers that may not be in your place of residence. Our support, development and other teams around the world have access to your information from outside of your place of residence. No matter where our servers are located, we will take appropriate measures to protect your rights in accordance with this privacy policy.

Our servers used for platform services are located in: Frankfurt, Germany.

If your personal information is transmitted in different countries, we will separately inform you of the purpose and recipient of your personal information via system message or email, and we will obtain your authorized consent. We will strictly comply with the data protection laws and regulations of your country and ensure that the data recipient has adequate data protection capabilities to protect your personal information.

Storage time:

We undertake to store your personal information at all times within a reasonably necessary period as required by laws. After the above period, we will delete your personal information or anonymize your personal information. (The so-called “anonymization” refers to the process in which the subject of personal information cannot be identified and the processed information cannot be recovered through the technical processing of personal information. The information obtained after anonymization of personal information does not belong to personal information.)

If we cease operation, we will stop collecting your personal information in a timely manner, notify you of our cessation of operation in the form of one-by-one service or announcement, and delete or anonymize your personal information held by us.


To ensure the security of your personal information, we will endeavor to take various security measures in accordance with industry standards to protect your personal information, so as to minimize the risk of your personal information being damaged, embezzled, revealed, accessed without authorization, disclosed and changed. We will actively establish data classification and grading systems, data security management standards and data security development standards to manage and regulate the storage and use of your personal information and ensure that no personal information unrelated to our services are collected.

Your account has security protection function. Please keep your account and password information properly. Our Platform will ensure that your information is not lost, abused or altered by backing up to other servers, encrypting user passwords and other security measures. Despite the aforementioned security measures, please note that there is no “100% security measure” on the information network. In order to prevent security incidents, we have formulated a proper early warning mechanism and emergency response plan in accordance with laws and regulations. If a security incident does occur, we will inform you of the relevant situation in a timely manner by email, letter, call, push notification and other relevant methods. When it is difficult to inform the subject of personal information one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective way to release an announcement. At the same time, we will also take the initiative to report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities, and closely cooperate with the government and regulatory authorities.

4. How do you manage your personal information

We take very seriously and do our best to protect your rights related to your personal information. You may ask us to stop using part or all of your data and withdraw your consent.

You can choose not to receive your friend’s information and not to display your information to your friend through the blacklist function or by setting of a specific friend.

Scope of changing or withdrawing authorization

have the right to correct the personal data. Users have the right to request access, correction, or deletion of their personal data. If users find that their personal data is inaccurate or outdated, they can contact us for correction. We will respond to users’ requests promptly and correct or delete the data within a reasonable scope.

You can also change or withdraw GPS geographical location, contacts, camera, and album permissions via the device’s operating system. We will collect personal information according to your settings of changing or withdrawing permissions. If you withdraw the authorization, we will no longer collect your information related to these permissions, but please note that this will render some or all of the functions unavailable. At the same time, your decision to change or withdraw your authorization will not affect the processing of your personal information that we previously conducted based on your authorization.

Automatic decision-making of information system

In some service functions, we may make decisions based solely on non-manual automatic decision-making mechanisms such as information system and algorithm. If these decisions significantly affect your legitimate rights and interests, you have the right to ask us for an explanation, and we will also provide appropriate remedies to contact us for management.

For security and identification reasons, you may not be able to directly access, correct or delete some information through the interactive interface of Our Platform ; If it is necessary for you to access, modify or request to delete such information according to laws, please send your questions to our designated email according to the contact information provided in Article 11 of this policy. We will review the problems involved as soon as possible and reply to you in time after verifying your user ID.

Obtaining copy of information

If you need to obtain a copy of your personal information on the platform, you may appeal to us according to the contact information provided in Article 11 of this policy, and we will reply to you in time after verifying your user ID. Please note that we currently only support providing files in csv and json formats.

5. How do you delete your account

You can delete your account within the app by tapping Settings – Delete Account; After the deletion of your account, your personal information will be removed from Our Platform, except the personal information that must be retained by us as clearly stipulated by laws (such as the information related to your transactions in Our Platform , and the data that should be retained as clearly stipulated by the government or laws).

Please refer to the Account Deletion Policy for details.

6. Special instructions for the use of third-party products and/or services

Our Platform may include third-party products and/or services or information and/or services linked to third parties. Before using the third-party products and/or services, you need to jump to the corresponding applet or third-party page. Your use of such third-party services (including any personal information provided by you to such third party) is subject to the third party’s terms of service and privacy policy (but not this policy), and you need to read the terms carefully and decide whether to accept them at your sole discretion. Please protect your personal information properly and provide them to others only when necessary. This policy only applies to the information collected, stored, used, shared and disclosed by us, but does not apply to the services provided by any third party or the rules governing the use of information by any third party. The third party shall be solely responsible for the behavior of using your information.

7. How do we use cookies and other similar technologies

Use of cookies

(1) If you do not refuse to accept cookies, Our Platform will set or access cookies on your relevant mobile device so that you can log in or use the services or functions of Our Platform that rely on cookies. Our Platform uses cookies to provide you with more thoughtful personalized services, including promotion services.

(2) You have the right to choose to accept or refuse to accept cookies. You can refuse to accept cookies by changing your browser settings or by setting it on your mobile device. However, if you choose to refuse to accept cookies, you may not be able to use the services or functions of Our Platform  that rely on cookies.

(3) This policy applies to the information obtained through cookies set in Our Platform.

8. Special terms for jurisdictions

(1) Special information for California residents

These additional disclosures are the categories of personal information that are collected and disclosed for commercial purposes, as required by the California Consumer Privacy Act. Depending on how you interact with Our Platform products, personal information that we may have collected or disclosed for commercial purposes during the past twelve months falls into the following categories as defined by the California Consumer Privacy Act:

Identifiers, such as your name, alias, address, mobile phone number, or IP address;

Personal information described in subsection (e) of section 1798.80 of the California Civil Code, such as credit card number;

If we conduct a user survey or analysis, then the features (such as age or gender) of the protected classification under California or U.S. federal law;

Business information, such as purchase activities;

Information on Internet or other electronic network activities, including content interaction information, such as content download, streaming and playback details;

Biometric information, such as your voice or appearance, for example, if you choose to participate in a presentation of a voice or image recognition service;

Geographic location data, such as the location of your device or computer, for example, if you have location services enabled to enhance your experience through the event app we provide;

Audio, visual, electronic or other similar information, including information when you communicate with us by telephone or other means;

Professional or employment-related information, such as business data that you may provide;

Inferred data, such as information about your preferences;

Your rights. Under the California Consumer Privacy Act, you may have the right to request us to provide information about the personal information you collect, or to access or delete your personal information. If you wish to perform any of the above operations, please contact us. Depending on your data selection, some of our services may be restricted or unavailable.

No personal information are sold. During the past twelve months, we have not sold any personal information of consumers, as these terms are defined under the California Consumer Privacy Act.

No discrimination. We do not discriminate against any consumer who exercises their rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act.

(2) The United Arab Emirates

In particular, we will comply with the requirements of the DIFC DP Law. If you use the platform in the United Arab Emirates (“UAE”), in addition to the above personal data processing requirements, we will also abide by the following terms:

In accordance with Article 39 of Part 6: Rights of Data Subjects of DIFC DP Law, you will not be discriminated against when using the platform services.

(3)Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA) Requirements

We value the privacy rights of our users and are committed to complying with the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA) and other relevant privacy regulations. We pledge to protect users’ personal data and adhere to the requirements of the VCDPA.

User Rights Under the provisions of the VCDPA, users have the right to access, correct, delete, and request to stop the processing of their personal data. If you wish to exercise these rights or learn more about the VCDPA, please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO).

Data Processing and Protection Measures We will take necessary technical and organizational measures to protect users’ personal data and ensure its security and confidentiality. We will continuously monitor and improve our data processing and protection measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of the VCDPA.

For any questions or complaints regarding the VCDPA or privacy policy, please feel free to contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) for further assistance and information.

(4)Rights under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

We value the privacy rights of our users and are committed to complying with EU-related privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We pledge to protect users’ personal data and adhere to the requirements of the GDPR. Required by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

User Rights Under the GDPR, users have a range of rights, including the right to access their personal data, correct inaccurate data, delete data, restrict data processing, and more. If you wish to exercise these rights or learn more about the GDPR, please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO).

Data Processing and Protection Measures We will take necessary measures to protect users’ personal data and ensure its security and confidentiality. We commit to complying with GDPR data processing and protection requirements and will continuously monitor and improve our data processing practices.

For any questions or complaints regarding the GDPR or privacy policy, please feel free to contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) for support and clarification.

(5)Brazil-related privacy regulation requirements by the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD)

Under the LGPD, individuals in Brazil have the right to access, rectify, delete, or block their personal data, as well as the right to request information about the processing of their data. We are committed to complying with these requirements and protecting the privacy and security of our users’ personal information.

Additionally, our updated privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and store personal data, as well as the measures we have in place to safeguard this information. We are dedicated to transparency and accountability in our data processing practices, and we encourage users to review our privacy policy for more information on how we handle their personal data.

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or data processing practices, please contact us at Data Protection Officer (DPO) for support. Thank you for trusting us with your personal information, and we appreciate your continued support.

9. Protection of underage users

Underage users (especially children under the age of 13 (Please refer to the relevant part of the Terms of Service for the specific definition of underage users)) shall read the following terms carefully in the company of their guardians, and the guardians shall make a decision on whether to accept this policy after full understanding:

(1) Users who are minors under the age of 16 (especially children under the age of 13) shall read this Agreement and use the relevant services of Our Platform under the supervision, guidance and consent of their guardians.

(2) We attach importance to the protection of personal information of underage users. When filling in personal information, underage users shall strengthen their awareness of personal protection and treat it with caution. Please use relevant services of Our Platform correctly under the guidance of their guardians.

(3) We will ensure the confidentiality and security of underage users’ information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the terms of this policy. If we find ourselves collecting personal information from underage users without the prior consent of verifiable parents or legal guardians, we will delete the relevant data as soon as possible. If you are the guardian of an underage user, when you have any questions about the use of our services or the user information provided to us by the underage user under your guardianship, please contact us in time according to the contact information provided in Article 11 of this policy.

10. How do we update our privacy policy

We reserve the right to update or amend this policy from time to time. These updates and amendments will form part of this policy and have the same effect as this policy. Without your explicit consent, we will not diminish your rights under this policy as currently in effect.

In case of any update of this policy, we will notify you through APP client push notification or other relevant reasonable means, so that you can be informed of any changes made to this policy in a timely manner.

11. How to contact us

If you wish to make a complaint about how we handle your personal information, please contact our DPO and we will endeavour to process your request as soon as possible. This does not affect your right to file a claim against a data protection authority.

If you have any suggestions or questions about the protection of personal information, or you have any questions about this policy, you can contact us through the following ways. We will review the problems as soon as possible, and give a reply within 15 working days after verifying your user ID. For questions about this policy, please send your comments and requests to:

Name: Guangzhou Molaiyi Network Technology Co., Ltd.. 

Address: Room 803, Room 71, No. 666, Huangpu Avenue, Tianhe District, Guangzhou


12. Miscellaneous

(1) You have the right to file a complaint with the regulatory authority in charge of data protection. We attach great importance to the protection of users’ privacy. If you have any comments or suggestions about us, you can send them to us. We are very happy to communicate with you and address your concerns.

(2) If you have a dispute with us over privacy protection, you can find a way to resolve the dispute in the Terms of Service.

Information Collection and Use of Third-Party SDKs

To ensure the implementation of related functions of Shaker and the safe and stable operation of the app, we may access SDKs provided by third parties to implement related functions.The third-party SDKs we access serve the needs of you and other users, so we may adjust the third-party SDKs we access to meet new service requirements and changes in service functions. Of course, we will keep you updated on access to third-party SDKs in this description.

1. Log In

SDK  Facebook
Manufacturer Meta
Purpose of Use Log in and complete user profile
Collected Information OpenID, username, profile photo
Privacy Policy
SDK  Google
Manufacturer Google
Purpose of Use Log in and complete user profile
Collected Information OpenID, username, profile photo
Privacy Policy
SDK  Snapchat
Manufacturer Meta
Purpose of Use Log in and complete user profile
Collected Information OpenID, username, profile photo
Privacy Policy
API Apple
Manufacturer Apple
Purpose of Use Log in and complete user profile
Collected Information OpenID, username
Privacy Policy

2. SMS and Messages

SDK Tencent
Manufacturer Tencent
Purpose of Use OTP
Collected Information Device info
Privacy Policy

3. Storage

SDK Qiniu
Manufacturer Qiniu Cloud
Purpose of Use Image storage and audio file storage
Collected Information Images and audio files
Privacy Policy
Manufacturer Amazon
Purpose of Use File storage and image recognition
Collected Information Images and audio files
Privacy Policy


Manufacturer Tencent
Purpose of Use Voice calls
Collected Information Network type, user local IP address, WIFI and cellular network signal status, operating system, device model, CPU, memory, device power, audio stream data, Bluetooth, network delay, packet loss rate, bit rate, resolution, audio bit rate, sample rate
Privacy Policy
Manufacturer ZEGO
Purpose of Use Voice calls
Collected Information Network type, user local IP address, WIFI and cellular network signal status, operating system, device model, CPU, memory, device power, audio stream data, Bluetooth, network delay, packet loss rate, bit rate, resolution, audio bit rate, sample rate
Privacy Policy


SDK Ali Cloud
Manufacturer Alibaba
Purpose of Use Image recognition and SMS
Collected Information Images and mobile number
Privacy Policy
